- The real, modern history of singing bowls and development of the sound therapy culture
- The main singing bowl types for therapy and their key differences from souvenir gifts
- Influence and use of singing bowls. What is a sound and vibration and how do they influence a physical body, human mind, water and environment.
- How to use singing bowls properly and safely. Indications and contraindications
- Preparation of a space, master and inventory for a session. Tuning for the practice
- Phonation principles and tools for a full session
- Full "vibration-acoustic massage" scheme
- Massage in dorsal position, prone position, lateral position, sitting position
- Diagnostics by means of a sound and vibration
- Development of health-improving programs under an individual case for 1-3-5-7-10 sessions.
- Eastern and Western approach to the sound therapy
- Differences for different age groups and pregnant women
- Individual and group therapy with singing bowls